It begins…

At last.

After no demand whatsoever, the blog is here.

I do hope to update it with items of interest and entertainment in future, um, weeks? months? years? But for now, just to have got this far is an achievement in itself.

It took two hours of tortured soul-searching just to pick a theme, for a start. Then cropping the header image… (too much sky? not enough sea?) And choosing the precise shade of blue for the background. Still not sure about that one.

Anyway, you get the idea. And frankly, I’m amazed that so many people have managed to get this far and have fully functioing blogs out there. Think of the thousands – maybe millions – still stuck in theme-choice hell, never to emerge with words of wisdom such as these.

It’s here, it exists, and it lives. For now.

And as soon as I have things of import to impart, there will be more.

Oh yes.

Back soon. Perhaps

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